Wednesday 22 May 2013

Parallel bars

Hi all

Just a quick update on what's going on, as you can see from the pic they had me on the standing parallel bars! Before we get too excited both my knees are splinted which men's they are locked by plastic leg braise at the back so I'm working my hips and lower back not my legs the physiotherapists did not get over excited, which is a good thing as they want no splints.

So now they are having too stretch me on a plinth and bend my back, back...arcing it to get my hips in line cause they think my left leg should hold me withe the strength I have if my hips were in the right place meaning I would try and walk on the parallel bars instead of just standing but I'd be standing again first to get stronger , maybe my right leg would need a splint too walk but hay I can live with that for a while.

I also will start in the hydro pool three days a week to get hips going. For every hurdle you jump there are 10 more waiting. Spasticity, hips , core and right leg all hurdles

Thanks fore all your support and helping me jump

Also my good friends and family have set up a website for me

PS sorry for grammar and spelling

PSS and yes it dose look like something is stuck up my ass

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