Friday 28 June 2013

First one must crawl before they walk

Hi all

My mum was here last weekend and it was great to see her, we just chatted and stayed in the sun a bit, I was able to show her around the gym area so she gets an idea of the process used over here. ill post a photo, it's not a great one as we kept on saying we can do it later and we had to do a quick snap in the end

Just a quick update on my recovery. It has taken about two weeks to recover from the spinal pump and another drug they were giving me, it was tough as it felt like I was going backward but this week I feel stronger

They have told me today that I am finishing up on the loco-matt next week, this is a good thing because it means I am progressing and going to the next stage. I have been going to the pool three times a week practicing standing and moving because you need your core and hips to walk, my back has gotten stronger and I can now lift my bum up when my feet are held my heals touching my bum with knees up, this is using quads I think lower back gluts and a bit of the stomach. I can hold this for 30 seconds or so

The good news is that they have had me standing on the parallel bars with one splint on my right knee as its very week i then lean on the right splint which holds the knee and locks the leg in place, then I get the left foot in position and stand putting weight on left and right equally the left leg gets tired fast as one would guess and it buckles, but if I rest it and keep the weight on the splinted right I try again. I'm up to 20 seconds. I have been doing this all week so far or 4 days as it was a bank holiday this week here.

Today I walked the length of the parallel bar and turned and walked back, so I took my first walk!

Don't get me wrong it's not pretty and took ages to get there but I managed to do it, the physiotherapist had to help me turn as its real hard and not pretty to look at and teach me how to shift my weight, I have to help my left leg using the parallel bar because of the weakness in it. it's learning to walk in a different way.

but I'm up and my goals seem achievable. I said in the matter hospital I would be happy if I was standing some way before my birthday and happier if I could take some steps which I have achieved with the help of everyone back home it's my birthday in three weeks or so so I was cutting it fine

Now is the start for me! I'm not out of the woods and a whole lot more hurdles have been opened up to me and its daunting. And I have no doubt that I'm going to get frustrated and annoyed and upset as my worse critic is myself.

The hospital has also asked me to do an interview on camera and they have been following me around and taking video of me in the pool loco-mat and others areas, this will be for there website to advertise to English speaking country's but they will give me a copy and I will upload it when I can

Once again I would not be able to do this without the support from home and I thank you all for your support and kind words

Once again sorry if grammar and spelling is bad

Kind regards to all

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